I met a post-op this weekend.

on 12/3/07 3:47 am - Glendora, CA
While at a friends party I met another woman that had WLS, maybe 4-5 years ago. When she was told I'd lost close to 200 pounds by a mutual friend she looked at me and said "Oh, you'll gain it all back, I did!" So many people around us that overheard we're so mad at her . All night someone would come up and say don't worry your doing great, don't listen to her. Turns out later as we were talking, she told me, with wine glass in hand, that she had now turned to alcohol, her transfer addiction she said.  She also ate whatever she wanted, she doesn't like meat at all, so eats mostly pastas and breads.   She also told me when she first looked into WLS that she was told she didn't have enough to loose so she decided to eat like crazy and pack on the pounds so she could have surgery. By 8:00 that night she was heading off to bed, and could barely make it up the stairs she was so drunk. It's strange but meeting people like this spur me on, give me a reason to prove them wrong. I feel sorry for her. I can and will be a success!
I know I can, I know I can
Jennifer K.
on 12/3/07 3:51 am - Phoenix , AZ
Glad you arnt letting her get you down... its very clear she is the reason for gaining the weight back. Not everybody makes the changes necessary to be successful and that lady is proof the surgery isnt the 'easy way out'. Its good to hear about things like this so others can see they HAVE to make the changes in order to KEEP the weight off!

First visit to surgeon - 288 ~ bmi 45.1
2 week pre-op 252 ~ bmi 39.5
Total lost - 153 Since surgery - 117!
Goal weight - 155 (mine) 180 (surgeons)
Current weight - 135 (2020 I lost 10lbs due to dedicating myself to working out more and being in better shape)

Extended TT, lipo, fat injections - 11/2011

BA/BL/Arm Lift - 7/2014

Scar revision on arms - 3/2015

HALO laser on arms/neck 9/2016

Thigh lift 10/2020

on 12/3/07 4:00 am - Corona, CA

There will always be people WLS or not, that will try and bring us down so we feel bad about our choices.  And your attitude is a good one to have.  And for every one person that tries to rain on our parade I know there are 9 more that are supporting us.  At least that's how it's been for me. Keep up the good work and remember this is the place to go if you need at little bit of "Way to go girl" in your day. Joni

g1rl 0n f1re
on 12/3/07 4:14 am - City of Angels, CA

lol...and i used to question why the psych eval was necessary...


" Let us drink a toast....to Gods and Monsters"
                                    -Dr. Pretorious; Bride of Frankenstein

on 12/3/07 4:19 am - grove city, OH
I so know what you mean. Someone that was 2 years out told me not to do it. She was upset that she'd gained about 3/4 of her weight back but she was also upset because she couldn't drink a bottle (or box) of wine in a sitting AND eat a steak with chicken meal from Roadhouse anymore. She still wanted to eat rolls, peanuts, salad, steak, chicken, potatoe and pop in one meal. Not to mention drinking a bottle or box of wine as well. HELLO! What did she think this surgery did. I ate an entire burger today and thought I pigged out, lol. Don't let her bother ya. You'll prove her wrong and look great doing it hun
  VERY proud to have this double century card
432 hi/338 surgery/220 gaol, Current 204 22 months post op
If I don't ever loose anymore that's ok. I'm happy where I am at, weight and in life

Dx E
on 12/3/07 4:23 am - Northern, MS

Some of our biggest detractors Can be those who have not felt successful themselves. Your apparent success (congratulations!) Holds up a harsh mirror to confront their own weight los / gain/ control issues. They feel bad, your success in their presence is Psychological “Salt in the Wound.” Even villains don’t feel like they are villains. Yes? She’s perhaps using the Alcohol to numb her painful life. Yeah, her comment was thoughtless and rude. That? You can’t control.  Deciding to “cash that check” Or just treat it like plain paper, Is up to you. ”Water off a Ducks back!” Keep up Your Awesome success!! Everything can be used for good. Maybe she can serve as a great example of what “Not To Do.” Yes? Best Wishes- Dx


 Capricious;  Impulsive,  Semi-Predictable       

on 12/3/07 4:46 am - TX
You know some people are born unhappy and miserable some people become unhappy and miserable for one reason  or another its these people who try and get others to join in on their pity party *****ally get on my nerves. Everyone has an reason for where they are today and everyone must make a choice either stay down and depress and give all your power away or take the initiative and keep working at life. Its women like this women who give this surgery a bad reputation. If you are lucky enough to have the surgery earn it and stop blaming you problems on the outside world. I'm glad you came to realize u cannot listen to her advice and I wish you luck. Unfortunately she will always be unhappy no matter what. Stay strong!
on 12/3/07 5:37 am - Metairie, LA
I too met a 8 yr. post op who was pretty disgusting. She started at almost 350, lost down to 200, then rebounded up to about 275. Her problem? Alchohol too. She says she's a social drinker, but her nephew made a joke in front of her about her socializing every day all by herself.  This woman calls WLS a failure, yet she drinks, stopped taking her vitamins, stop follow up visits with her doctor and never drinks water. I asked her if she was afraid of what she was doing to her body. She wasn't scared. So be it. She looked horrible. Failure? The person is the failure in this case, not the surgery.



Dena W.
on 12/3/07 6:02 am - Tarpon Springs, FL
I just keep thinking about what my surgeon and nutritionist have told me ... if I do what they say and follow their advice, I will succeed.  I, too, have met people who "gained all their weight back".  They eat/drink like they did preop.  I mean ... c'mon, folks ... it isn't a magical tool.  You DO have to work with it and not against it!   I work with a postop who finally admits she has gained some of her weight back.  But we had a party at work the other day and she sat down to the table with a bottle of soda, a sandwich that was packed as full as she could pack it, and a big serving of potato chips.  I didn't stay in the room long enough, but I'm sure that she also had some dessert.  She drinks sodas all through her shift, with and without meals, and literally eats all the time.  I eat several meals, but I eat WLS-friendly meals (generally 2 oz of protein, 1 oz of fruit or vegetable, and wait at least 30 minutes before drinking a non-carbonated beverage).  I follow the rules they've given me.  She clearly chooses not to. But, yeah ... I hear it all the time ... "you'll gain all your weight back".  No, I won't.  I say that with absolute certainty because I know that this tool works, and I plan to allow it to work by following the rules!  I may regain a portion because my body settles ... but I will not gain back to almost 300 lb because I have learned and am learning and will continue to learn what healthy eating/exercise are! Okay ... I'm off my soap box ... lol 
See my YouTube vlogs here:  http://www.youtube.com/user/LiLtinee
Add me as a friend on Facebook:    Dena Waskiewicz               
Starting weight:  297 / Goal weight:  140's / Current weight:  138-143
Lap RNY 3/12/2007 ~ Fleur-de-Lis tummy tuck 7/12/2010

on 12/3/07 6:15 am - Daytona Beach, FL

What Dx said............. Magic thinker.  Fairy duster.  Thats what I call those people.  There are a lot of them out there too.  They believe that WLS is a magic cure.  It isn't.  Even the DS.  While it may be the 'best for success'....it still comes with a set of rules to follow.  One of those I'm sure is count your protein and take your supplements.  Weight gain isn't the only thing that can happen to us. But if we really believe we can eat what we want and not exercise and drink like fish then who is being fooled?   I'm working on 6 years.  I am not this person.  I may not be at my lowest, but I'm really not far from it.  I struggle with a 10 to 15 pound gain and loss all the time.  But I'm here to tell ya..... It ain't magic.

It's work.

Hard work.

But........its not impossible.

Hugs Charlie

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